Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Art and Math Due

You will be creating your own art piece based on the main concepts of Unit 1.

Due: Project outline: Due Friday October 16th ( upload in google classroom)
Due: Art Project Due: Monday October 19th, 2015

Main Concepts of Unit 1:

Building block of Geometry: line, point, ray, plane, collinear, coplaner, ,line segment, symmetry,endpoints, Midpoint, Congruence

Transformation: Translations, Dilation, Rotations, Reflections

Classify Angles
Special Polygons
Special Quadrilaterals

Save all your work in a google document.

  • Titled Google Doc:  Unit 1: Intro in Geometry: Art and Math.  Will turn in document day of project.  You must answer step 1-3 on document.

  • Step 1:  Need to research 3 different accredited artist who use the geometry concepts learned in Unit 1, Intro into Geometry.

  • Step 2: Based off the 3 different accredited artist, look through their art and answer the following questions.

1.) What concepts are they putting into practice based off unit 1?
2.) How do they visual show the concepts?

  • Step 3: You need to pick concepts for your art piece.  
         -Pick one transformation concept
         -Pick one "building block of Geometry" vocabulary word.
         -Pick one type of polygon.  

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Unit 1; Intro into Geometry Study guide


Start exploring  the unit 1 study guide.  I would make sure I know how to do every problem.


Below is the study guide- You may have to enlarge the image.

Monday, October 12, 2015



Today in lab,

You will be creating your own art piece based on the the main concepts of Unit 1.

Main Concepts of Unit 1:

Building block of Geometry: line, point, ray, plane, collinear, coplanr, ,line segment, symmetry, midpoint, endpoints
Classify Angles
Special Polygons
Investigation of Triangles
Special Quadrilaterals

Save all your work in a google document.

Titled Google Doc:  Unit 1: Intro in Geometry: Art and Math.  Will turn in document day of project.

Step 1:  Need to research 3 different accredited artist who use the geometry concepts learned in Unit 1, Intro into Geometry.

Step 2: Based off the 3 different accredited artist, look through their art and and answer the following questions.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Lab: Instructions


Today, you will work in Khan Academy for 20 minutes.

Khan Academy:

Subject: Basic Algebra.

In your profile:  You profile name should be your personal name.

In profile:  Click coaches-You should see my name.  If not, put in the following code

4th Hour-  VNGW34

7th Hour-

Then for the last 20 minutes.

Watch the following video (click for link)

Can you solve the prisoner hat riddle? - Alex Gendler

Try to solve.

Ms. G

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Class Information

4th Hour Groups
7th Hour Groups

Google Classroom Instructions

1.) Sign into your gmail account.
2.) Click on the app tap on the top right (see image above)
3.) Click more
4.) Click on classroom

4th Hour join class code: bqd4i5z
7th Hour join class code: 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Line segments, Midpoint Formula, Classifying angles, and measuring angels.

You have 3 assignment to complete and turn in by the end of the week.

Segment Bisector pg 19 #'s 11-16

Midpoint pg pg Pg 19 #’s 17-22

Classifying Angles and Bisecting Angles:  pg 29  #7-14, 22-27

Below is resource for each lesson.

Algebraic midpoint of a segment  Assignment pg 19 #'s 11-16

Algebraic midpoint of a segment exercise:

Midpoint formula: Midpoint Formula Assignment pg Pg 19 #’s 17-22 

Classifying Angles and Bisecting Angles:  Assignment pg 29  #7-14, 22-27

Angle Addition Postulate: View images

Bisecting Angles
Definition The bisector of an angle is a ray whose end point is the vertex of the angle and which divides the angle into two equal angles.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Online Text

Online Text Book

  1. Follow the link for the online text book.
  2. Click on create a student account.
  3. Make a user name and password.

Activation Code for online Text-Geometry 2007 eEdition

put in first box: 2651779

put in second box: 10

Good luck