Friday, September 9, 2011

Course Guidelines

Course Materials:
To be prepared for class each day you must bring…

· Pencils and/or pens
· Workbook
· Notebook
· Calculator – TI-84.

Classroom Rules/Expectations:

Respect and be polite to others, listen carefully, and do not interrupt the teacher or other students.

• Obey all school and district wide rules.
• Bring supplies and homework every day.

• If you miss class for any reason, you have until the end of the week to make up homework, quizzes, and tests. If you fail to do so then you receive a ZERO!

• Show all calculations or NO CREDIT!

NO Late homework will be accepted!

• Cheating – ANY form of cheating will result in a zero and further consequence if necessary (refer to student handbook.) Cheating includes: plagiarism, copying someone's work or allowing someone to copy your work.